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UniQuant 5.0 XRF Software


This is a step-by-step course on how to build a method using UniQuant 5.0. It uses many pictures to easily guide through the many settings of the software.


The content of this course is:

• Job

• Job - Analysis of Unknown

         • Job - General Data

         • Job - Report Normalized

         • Job - Report Not Normalized

         • Job - Example Fused Bead

         • Job - Example Low Traces in Pure Material

         • Job - Example Traces in Materials

         • Job - Example Oil Analysis

         • Job - Example Pressed Pellet

         • Job - Example Multilayer

         • Job - Example Monolayer

• Materials

• Calibration - Kappas

         • Calibration - Kappas Line Overlaps

         • Calibration - Kappas Plot Group 1

         • Calibration - Kappas Plot Group 2

         • Calibration - Kappas Plot Group 3

         • Calibration - Kappas Plot Group 4

         • Calibration - Kappas Plot Group 5

         • Calibration - Kappas Plot Group 6

         • Calibration - Plot Kappas

• Calibration - Prepare a New Standard

• Calibration - New Kappa List

• Calibration - Add New Standards

• Shapes

         • Shapes - Make a New Shape

         • Shapes - Impurity Factor

• Edit Settings

         • Edit - Calculation Settings

         • Edit - System Settings

         • Edit - Film Factors

• Paths - Expand Job Directory

• Import - Monitors

Please contact us directly via email (info@fluxana.com) or phone (+49 2821 48011 10) to discuss payment options. After payment, you will receive a code that you can enter below to get access to the course.

Access is limited to one user but not limited in time.

Skill Level: Beginner

This course requires a payment for entry.

Cost: EUR 330.00

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