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Conditions d'achèvement

To be able to use FLUXearch, you need to register to the site. For this, visit and click on "REGISTER HERE":

On the next page, please fill in all necessary data and read and accept our privacy policy. You can also sign up for our official newsletter here. Using "Recaptcha" will help us make sure that you are not a robot. After clicking on "Register", a confirmation email will be send to you that you will have to approve:

Please note: to make your account secure from access by others, your password must contain:

- at least 8 character(s)

- a symbol (! ? @ $ % ^ & * )

- an upper-case letter

- an lower-case letter

- a number

Now that your account is approved, you can fill in your login data and click on "SIGN IN" to log into FLUXearch: